Plasmo Voice

Plasmo Voice


Other user's voice chat is really quiet

srnyx opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I turned up Voice Chat Volume to 200% and my game volume to 100%, the voices from other players are still pretty quiet, and sometimes hard to make out what they're saying.
I have to be within like 5 blocks of them to be able to hear what they're saying.


Can you provide audio sample?


Sorry I took so long haha. Thought it fixed itself, turned out it didn't.


It's likely because you've set the threshold for a compressor and a limiter too low. Try turning it off, or just press "Reset" button to make it go back to the default value.


It's likely because you've set the threshold for a compressor and a limiter too low. Try turning it off, or just press "Reset" button to make it go back to the default value.

Changing those don't make a difference for me.
Makes a small difference. But my own microphone (when testing) is also really quiet, even when turning Activation Threshold all the way down and Microphone Volume all the way up.


Maybe it's the same issue as #151, should be fixed in the new version. If it's not, then I have no idea what can cause this. If the issue is still relevant and you are not on 1.18, wait for the 1.2.10 version of the mod to release, test it, and open a new issue if you still have this issue.