Plasmo Voice

Plasmo Voice


Can't connect to UDP port

ximiys opened this issue ยท 7 comments


After pressing "V" it says "connecting to the UDP server...", and that's all


My friend can use it on the server but for me, it is Connecting to UDP port. We have same versions


Check if UDP port on your Minecraft server is open. If you're using Linux, you can check this via iptables: sudo iptables -S. If you're using shared hosting, then you need to contact your hosting provider.


in the same boat here.
one of my friends is getting this same error.
everyone else on the server can voice chat fine, but specifically they are having this issue, even after re-downloading the mod and clearing the config files

also should mention, it was working fine yesterday


the issue seems to be fixed but i have no idea what happened
our internet had went out right before this issue
and restarting my server rig fixed it
i guess it still remembered the old udp connection?


i do have the same issue and the server hosts checked and said the server UDP port is open.


Same issue, no idea why I cannot connect


I have the same problem, the port opens, the plugin works for me, but it doesn't work for my friends.