Plasmo Voice

Plasmo Voice


Since 2.0, player microphones can clip loudly.

codeHusky opened this issue ยท 2 comments


We have been using Plasmovoice for 2 years since it's one of the few voice mods that didn't have super weird issues with player's mics clipping super loudly for no apparent reason. However, since starting to use 2.0 we've noticed that player mics have begun exhibiting the same behavior other mods (SimpleVoice, etc) exhibit where microphones will be loud and distort for some people unless they turn their client volume down. Is there a setting I'm missing server side (like a codec?), or is this just an issue with the mod?

I can retrieve some video clips if you're unsure what I'm referring to.


I guess it's because the compressor and limiter were removed in version 2.0 because they were causing audio distortion.

I'll try to fix the audio distortion issues, and add compressor and limiter back.


The issue appears to be mainly, or possibly just exaggerated by, the noise suppression feature.
In this video, when using non-stereo capture with noise suppression enabled, the mic begins to clip extremely loudly for no apparent reason. With stereo capture or no noise suppression this doesn't happen.