Ore dic not loading in the GUI
kitty1272 opened this issue ยท 14 comments
Not sure if it is a "Me" problem but it is a problem I am having. For some reason when I change the values of the ore dic weights and then load the file with the config they all read as 0 still... Not sure why.
All of the weights are in the file and the file is called in the config.
# Configuration file
general {
# Select the Files where the Effect Data should be loaded from [default: ]
S:EffectFiles <
# Select the Files where the Weight Data should be loaded from [default: ]
S:WeightFiles <
Do we speak about the UI or do we speak about the XML files?
Also could you show me the weight files? Because the config loads them.
<type=defaultWeight weight=.05>
<type=ore name=dirt weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=sand weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassColorless weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlass weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassBlack weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassRed weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassGreen weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassBrown weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassPurple weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassCyan weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassLightGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassPink weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassLime weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassYellow weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassLightBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassMagenta weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassOrange weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassWhite weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=grass weight=0.31>
<type=ore name=blockConcrete weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteBlack weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteBlue weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteBrown weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteCyan weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteGray weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteGreen weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteLightBlue weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteLightGray weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteLime weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteMagenta weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteOrange weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcretePink weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcretePurple weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteRed weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteWhite weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteYellow weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockGlassDirty weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGravel weight=0.25>
<type=ore name=treeSapling weight=0.015>
<type=ore name=vine weight=0.015>
<type=ore name=treeLeaves weight=0.015>
<type=ore name=torch weight=0.01>
<type=ore name=toolSkillet weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=toolSaucepan weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=toolPot weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=toolMortarandpestle weight=2.3>
<type=ore name=toolMixingbowl weight=1.0>
<type=ore name=toolJuicer weight=0.8>
<type=ore name=toolCuttingboard weight=0.6>
<type=ore name=toolBakeware weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=stone weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneAlabaster weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneAndesite weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneAndesitePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneBasalt weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneBasaltPolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneDiorite weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneDioritePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneGranite weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneGranitePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneHardened weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneLimestone weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneLimestonePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneMarble weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneMarblePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stickWood weight=0.01>
<type=ore name=stickTreatedWood weight=0.008>
<type=ore name=stickSteel weight=0.6>
<type=ore name=stickIron weight=0.6>
<type=ore name=blockAluminum weight=0.55>
<type=ore name=blockBrass weight=1.7>
<type=ore name=ingotIron weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=ingotGold weight=5.0>
<type=ore name=ingotCobalt weight=2.1>
<type=ore name=ingotCopper weight=2.1>
<type=ore name=ingotAluminum weight=0.56>
<type=ore name=podzol weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=sandstone weight=0.41>
<type=ore name=seed weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedArtichoke weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedAsparagus weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBambooshoot weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBarley weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBean weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBeet weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBellpepper weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBlackberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBlueberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBroccoli weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBrusselsprout weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCabbage weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCactusfruit weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCandleberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCantaloupe weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCauliflower weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCelery weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedChilipepper weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCoffee weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCorn weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCotton weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCranberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCucumber weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCurryleaf weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedEggplant weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGarlic weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGigapickle weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGinger weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGrape weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedKale weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedKiwi weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedLeek weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedLettuce weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedMustard weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedOats weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedOkra weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedOnion weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedParsnip weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedPeanut weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedPeas weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedPineapple weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRadish weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRaspberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRhubarb weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRice weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRutabaga weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRye weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedScallion weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSeaweed weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSesameseed weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSoybean weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSpiceleaf weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSpinach weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedStrawberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSweetpotato weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedTea weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedTomato weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedTurnip weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedWaterchestnut weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedWhitemushroom weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedWintersquash weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedZucchini weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier1 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier2 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier3 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier4 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier5 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=shardsGlass weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassBlack weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassBrown weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassCyan weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassGreen weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassLightBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassLightGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassLime weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassMagenta weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassOrange weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassPink weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassPurple weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassRed weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassWhite weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassYellow weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockApatite weight=0.5>
Fun fact, using an ore name that is not present in the game causes a crash on world load.
@kitty1272 and you say the gui doesnt notice it or does the game not notice these?
ok i found the issue, i made a derp for oredict things. Basically right now it searches for a "ore" tag instead of a "name" tag. Thats the problem... I make next week a mini patch (monday) that fixes both issues reported here ^^
Also while I have you, suggest using ExT's use of the menu system. Dawggie is like calling someone a brother or comrade. Also funny because you have a dog as a picture.
For Weights the ui is as good as it needs to be. For effects, no thanks xD i dont want to write a gui manager for every single effect... Way to much work.
oh yeah i decided against that for the whole reason of: It creates for the normal user a longer loading time + more memory usage and also is not safe when you reopen the gui with using Reload before that.