Player Weight Mod

Player Weight Mod


Ore dic not loading in the GUI

kitty1272 opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Not sure if it is a "Me" problem but it is a problem I am having. For some reason when I change the values of the ore dic weights and then load the file with the config they all read as 0 still... Not sure why.
All of the weights are in the file and the file is called in the config.

# Configuration file

general {
    # Select the Files where the Effect Data should be loaded from [default: ]
    S:EffectFiles <

    # Select the Files where the Weight Data should be loaded from [default: ]
    S:WeightFiles <

Do we speak about the UI or do we speak about the XML files?
Also could you show me the weight files? Because the config loads them.

<type=defaultWeight weight=.05>
<type=ore name=dirt weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=sand weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassColorless weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlass weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassBlack weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassRed weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassGreen weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassBrown weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassPurple weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassCyan weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassLightGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassPink weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassLime weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassYellow weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassLightBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassMagenta weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassOrange weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGlassWhite weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=grass weight=0.31>
<type=ore name=blockConcrete weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteBlack weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteBlue weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteBrown weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteCyan weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteGray weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteGreen weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteLightBlue weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteLightGray weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteLime weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteMagenta weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteOrange weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcretePink weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcretePurple weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteRed weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteWhite weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockConcreteYellow weight=0.53>
<type=ore name=blockGlassDirty weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockGravel weight=0.25>
<type=ore name=treeSapling weight=0.015>
<type=ore name=vine weight=0.015>
<type=ore name=treeLeaves weight=0.015>
<type=ore name=torch weight=0.01>
<type=ore name=toolSkillet weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=toolSaucepan weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=toolPot weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=toolMortarandpestle weight=2.3>
<type=ore name=toolMixingbowl weight=1.0>
<type=ore name=toolJuicer weight=0.8>
<type=ore name=toolCuttingboard weight=0.6>
<type=ore name=toolBakeware weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=stone weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneAlabaster weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneAndesite weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneAndesitePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneBasalt weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneBasaltPolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneDiorite weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneDioritePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneGranite weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneGranitePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneHardened weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneLimestone weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneLimestonePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneMarble weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stoneMarblePolished weight=0.52>
<type=ore name=stickWood weight=0.01>
<type=ore name=stickTreatedWood weight=0.008>
<type=ore name=stickSteel weight=0.6>
<type=ore name=stickIron weight=0.6>
<type=ore name=blockAluminum weight=0.55>
<type=ore name=blockBrass weight=1.7>
<type=ore name=ingotIron weight=2.0>
<type=ore name=ingotGold weight=5.0>
<type=ore name=ingotCobalt weight=2.1>
<type=ore name=ingotCopper weight=2.1>
<type=ore name=ingotAluminum weight=0.56>
<type=ore name=podzol weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=sandstone weight=0.41>
<type=ore name=seed weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedArtichoke weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedAsparagus weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBambooshoot weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBarley weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBean weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBeet weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBellpepper weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBlackberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBlueberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBroccoli weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedBrusselsprout weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCabbage weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCactusfruit weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCandleberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCantaloupe weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCauliflower weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCelery weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedChilipepper weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCoffee weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCorn weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCotton weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCranberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCucumber weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedCurryleaf weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedEggplant weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGarlic weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGigapickle weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGinger weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedGrape weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedKale weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedKiwi weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedLeek weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedLettuce weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedMustard weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedOats weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedOkra weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedOnion weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedParsnip weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedPeanut weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedPeas weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedPineapple weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRadish weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRaspberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRhubarb weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRice weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRutabaga weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedRye weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedScallion weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSeaweed weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSesameseed weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSoybean weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSpiceleaf weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSpinach weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedStrawberry weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedSweetpotato weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedTea weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedTomato weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedTurnip weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedWaterchestnut weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedWhitemushroom weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedWintersquash weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedZucchini weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier1 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier2 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier3 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier4 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=seedsTier5 weight=0.001>
<type=ore name=shardsGlass weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassBlack weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassBrown weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassCyan weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassGreen weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassLightBlue weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassLightGray weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassLime weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassMagenta weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassOrange weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassPink weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassPurple weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassRed weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassWhite weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=shardsGlassYellow weight=0.3>
<type=ore name=blockApatite weight=0.5>

Fun fact, using an ore name that is not present in the game causes a crash on world load.


@kitty1272 and you say the gui doesnt notice it or does the game not notice these?


ok i found the issue, i made a derp for oredict things. Basically right now it searches for a "ore" tag instead of a "name" tag. Thats the problem... I make next week a mini patch (monday) that fixes both issues reported here ^^


Thanks dawggie <3


Also while I have you, suggest using ExT's use of the menu system. Dawggie is like calling someone a brother or comrade. Also funny because you have a dog as a picture.


Np, and whats a dawggie?


For Weights the ui is as good as it needs to be. For effects, no thanks xD i dont want to write a gui manager for every single effect... Way to much work.


I meant for the launching over a command.


oh yeah i decided against that for the whole reason of: It creates for the normal user a longer loading time + more memory usage and also is not safe when you reopen the gui with using Reload before that.


Gotcha, thanks.


Thats now fixed too. It will now ask for the name as the exporter exports it. Sry for the issue.