


disconnect revive

saraminecraft opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi! Amazing mod!!! When players die on my server if they choose disconnect they come back to the game with half a heart but alive with all their stuff. Is this working as intended? I have players disconnecting and reconnecting over and over till they are able to get out of the death.


So it does not happen every time? Is PotionsCore installed as well? In theory the player should die if he/she disconnects. If the player logs in again, the death screen should be displayed. Is that the case?


Yes this happens every time, if you disconnect when you reconnect you have a heart and all your stuff. Yes PotionCore is installed is that a conflict? I truly apologize if so.


Yeah, sorry. Either remove PlayerRevive or PotionsCore. The author has not replied yet to my issue:

There is nothing I can do about it. The only thing you can do is to disable the disconnect button. Players can still hit ALT + F4, but it will make it a little bit harder. Just download the newest version (I recommend to install IGCM) and set disableDisconnect to true.