


Request - External Item Storage Location 1.12.2 and beyond.

P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Okay so this mod is almost perfect but it needs a way to move inventories from corrupted worlds such as a folder called "PlayerStorage" where it can contain all the Inventory-"PLAYERID".dat so that way if a world gets broken they do not lose all their progress.


I have tried everything but I am unable to transfer inventories between worlds. I tried everything you told me. I believe a simple fix is to save them in the world save folder in a subfolder called player storage. If you are worried about people cheating on servers why not make it so the json is also related to world seed? This is truly bothersome. @MrRiegel


worldseed: {12334123 }
{Items here,}
{Settings here}

Keep in mind I am not a coder and I know things are harder than they appear but if you did simplify item storage to something like "playerid-ps".json that would be great and then if there was multiple seeds on single account it would look like this

worldseed: {12334123 }
{Items here,}
{Settings here}


worldseed: {12534123 }
{Items here,}
{Settings here}

It would also allow for players to easily delete world inventories if they wanted because the information for each world is separate unless you are me and forget commas :D



I have tried manually editing the NBT using NBTExplorer located here


It reset on load.
2019-01-10 18_29_29-window


Please help @MrRiegel


Player storage is the world virus XD I am Orca trying to survive the stress. Listen till here


@MrRiegel trust me I did. I am telling you 100% after 12 hours and 120 tests it does not matter. If I am having this many problems how do you think others who are far less technical savvy are faring? However Player-storage is currently storing item pools is just impractical for everyday usage. Especially when testing huge modpacks where a world can get corrupted. After 5 years of Minecraft modding since 1.6.4 I can safely say corruption can happen. The only mod missing that is essential is a mod used to completely back up player inventory when a world is being re-written as well as large pack storage issues. Your mod fixes storage issues perfectly but you still don't seem to understand the importance of being able to import and export items. So I propose a different fix add a command to do exactly that "/ps export [playername] (use tab to auto complete)" and "/ps import [playername] (use tab to auto complete)" I do not mean to offend you and hope you take my feedback to heart unlike some modders like the creator of NeverMine who just deletes anything I say regardless of feedback. Also I am not looking for you to drop everything and add features I am just expressing the overall valid importance.


try to edit level.dat under Data/Player/ForgeCaps


@MrRiegel @Emexus okay so I finally figured out what was wrong - you cannot seem to port playerid.dat from server world to local world or vice versa! When doing local to local - works fine. When doing server to server works fine. Something in playerid.dat is different when local and server files are ported to each other.