PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Cross-mod Suggestion: Paraglider mod

Shibva opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the feature

Paraglider if you do not know appears to be a mod that adds the paraglider and a few other small things from The Legend of Zelda BoTW and the ideas here are suggestions for content being added if both mods are present in a "Pack"

I: Pneumatic Armor Upgrade; Glider:
-Add in a upgrade for the chestplate that essentlay adds a built-in glider that allows the player to glide just like in the mod except instead of the mechanic it adds being used it instead uses pressure instead. It could also work in tandem with the Jet Boots and allow for faster travel at the additional cost of more pressure

II: Pneumatic Glider
-Using the same design as the original glider itself and improving it with various materials; the play er can create a glider that uses pressure to decrease the rate at the player loses "endurance" (a mechanic added by paraglider; those that know BoTW will know what im talking about); while it can recive speed and volume upgrades it does come at a cost
==Speed Upgrades increase the max speed that it can glide; but uses more pressure
==Volume Upgrade increases the capacity of the glider but decreases the Endurace
==JetBoot Upgrade gives the glider the ability to have a "boost" that can either be used to temporarily incease the max speed it can go at for a short time or to boost the glider higher; requires a decent amount of Pressure per use and has a cooldown {space would allow for a accent boost while CTRL would provide a verticle speed boost]

Reasons why it should be considered

Allows for an alternate method for flight and various options of flight that can be provided by the mod without limiting it to the pneumatic armor; it would also be interesting

Additional details

if idea II is implimented, it should have a light-yet-sturdy frame made from compressed iron and plastic sheets in place of natural fibers


Actually, I've been considering an Elytra upgrade for the chestplate for a while. There's already some specific integration which allows the Jetboots to play nicely when wearing an actual Elytra (you can fire the boots while Elytra-gliding to gain speed and altitude) so it would be a logical next step to have Elytra added to the chestplate as an upgrade.

As for a standalone glider, it would be very neat, but not something I really have time to implement right now. And maybe something better done as an addon mod...

Anyway, I'll keep this open as a reminder about the Elytra upgrade.