PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


CraftTweaker support for explosion crafting

Remyrios opened this issue ยท 7 comments


As said in title.
There would be 2 options to do this:

  • Option in config that allows to disable compressed iron crafting through explosion,
  • Add CrT compat to the explosion crafting

I can see this being potentially useful for modpack makers if they wanted to force players down a different crafting route to get started with PNC.

We could just add a boolean config option to disable it entirely, with a warning in the comment that if you do so, it's up to you to set up some other method of creating compressed iron (most likely with CraftTweaker).


Having said that, it might also be handy to add a CraftTweaker recipe to allow other resources to be explosion-crafted into compressed iron, e.g. an expert mode pack might require you do explosion-craft steel into iron. Wouldn't be too hard to add CrT support for that...


Part 1 - disabling explosion crafting in config - has been added, will be in upcoming 0.4.1 release.

Part 2 will be done soon...


Hi Currently using the disabled explotion crafting option and have added another way to do it. But I was wondering if when I disable it in the configs could you do something about this aswell or is that not possible/your thing to solve. Would be nice if it was gone as its not true in my pack.


Yeah that's on us to fix. Easy change though, just need to disable the JEI category registration.


Added in 0.8.0


Explosion crafting now has CraftTweaker support. Examples:

# clear default recipes

# iron -> compressed iron has a 95% loss rate
mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(<ore:ingotIron>, <pneumaticcraft:ingot_iron_compressed>, 95);

# steel -> compressed iron has only 10% loss rate
mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(<ore:ingotSteel>, <pneumaticcraft:ingot_iron_compressed>, 10);

# netherrack to nether brick at 50% loss rate
mods.pneumaticcraft.explosioncrafting.addRecipe(<ore:netherrack>, <minecraft:netherbrick>, 50);

First argument can be an itemstack or an oredict entry. Stack sizes are ignored; it's always 1:1 conversion, with the given loss rate.