PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Text Variables

Ganpan14O opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the feature

Text variables would function similarly to the other variable types but would represent text, cound be changed and displayed by remotes.
I could also see:

  • Some form of text modifying puzzle piece, that could do things such as concatenate text and/or replace any instance of the left text input with the right text input.

  • $owner_name and $drone_name, new special variables which would get the names of the owner of the drone and the drone itself respectively

  • A way to convert the other variable types into text and maybe even vice versa

Reasons why it should be considered

Text variables would allow for you to dynamically select players, entities, and even goto labels from a remote, creating more straightforward ways of doing things in programs and even some new possibilities within them.

Additional details

The conversation on this in the discord server can be traced back from this message and started at this message.


Just want to chime in here with some stuff we discussed on the Discord recently re: text variables.

Discord user 'San' posted the following picture, claiming they need to do something about it because it's getting ridiculous (they were referring to the duplication going on in this program):


I naively figured the For Each Item widget could be used for this purpose, but a problem prevents that: There is no way to have a dynamic Jump because Text filters do not support variables.

Discord user 'SonoranViking' had this to say:

Yeah.. A For Each (Item, Text) tuple would be awesome. I could have used that many times. Operate on Item X, if condition true jump to location Y.

With a little thought, I figured an easy way to add this was to have the Text widget support variables, and I demonstrated how it may work with this picture:


That would be made a lot better with Text variables, but as you can see, still viable without them.