PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Pneumatic Jackhammer Muffler

FrederikRasmussen opened this issue · 3 comments


Describe the feature

It would be wonderful if the Pneumatic Jackhammer could have its volume adjusted for the user (and others who hear it) in its configuration menu, similar to the Mining Gadgets mod and its Mining Laser.

Alternatively, a Muffling Upgrade of some sort would be great for the Jackhammer.

Reasons why it should be considered

Currently, I veer away from the Jackhammer solely because of the noise levels. I have to mute the Jackhammer entirely, or run Minecraft at very low volume, and even then, whenever I go near other players and use the Jackhammer for some quick work, I deafen them or wake their flatmates because they happened to be on speakers.

Additional details

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Just to note that you can already adjust the volume of the jackhammer (and many other things) in the client config, without the need to adjust the global Minecraft volume.

Having said that, a Muffler Upgrade would be better from an immersion standpoint, so yeah why not.


I will lower it in my client config - though that doesn't immediately fix it for other players near me on the server, it at least provides a path forward without forcing everyone to play at low volume.



I have lowered it in my client config for this reason. The noise can get rather unpleasant when you use it a lot as your main tool. Muffler upgrade makes a lot of sense, great idea!