Conflict between Pneumaticcraft and Inventory Pets
nickick7x3 opened this issue · 4 comments
Minecraft Version
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Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it
Created a drone with the dig puzzle
Server crashes when a player loads the chunk the drone is in
Can only be fixed by spamming "/kill @e[type=pneumaticcraft:drone] when a player logs into that area
Ticking Entity exception
First 5 lines of the error report should show the error, I have attached the pastebin below.
"Description: Ticking entity
java.lang.RuntimeException: Slot 1 not in valid range - [0,1)
at net.minecraftforge.items.ItemStackHandler.validateSlotIndex(
at net.minecraftforge.items.ItemStackHandler.getStackInSlot(
Any other comments?
For now it can be dealt with by disabling Inventory Pets, however this is not ideal.
This isn't a conflict, it's a bug in Inventory Pets, and they need to fix it.
The mod isn't open source, but a quick look at the decompiled HarvestHandler class shows that Inventory Pets assumes the breaking player's inventory has (at least) 9 slots, which is not the case for drones (who use a Forge FakePlayer) - unless the drone has sufficient Dispenser Upgrades.
Inventory Pets needs to check the size of the inventory it's iterating over (using getSizeInventory()
) and not assume the number of slots. This will break for any mod which uses a FakePlayer (whose inventory is less than 9 slots) to break blocks.
Closing issue. Looks like Inventory Pets issue tracker is at