PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException every time on world loadup

MasterBuilder747 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


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Very annoying to find this, as this isn't common for a mod to do this, plus a crash report doesn't get generated, the game just fails to load a world every time and throws a server error at the client, a java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException.

Any other comments?

this is obviously caused from another mod, but it is pretty hard to fin what it is, because immersive petroleum isn't the case, even with IE v79.


Sorry, this report gives us nothing to work on. What do you mean "crash report doesn't get generated"? You're see a java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException from somewhere - where?


You might be able to find more information in the logs, [minecraft instance]/logs folder. There might be a stacktrace in there.


I'm sorry, after testing, I've realized that this mod isn't the issue, I'm still trying to find it, but I've had no such luck, if you could help me find it, that would be nice.
Here is the part of the stacktrace that I found: here

EDIT; also, it is not journey map, i already tested that.


By looking at the log it only points at Journeymap, so apart from that I can't really help you, sorry.

How do you know Journey map isn't the problem? You removed Journeymap and you're still getting the ClosedChannelException? In that case this stacktrace is irrelevant, as Journeymap couldn't even be on that stacktrace after removing the mod...

Anyways, good luck :/ As a last resort you could always try to divide and conquer, removing half the mods, see if it crashes? yes: From that half, remove another half, no: put back a half of the mods you removed back in, and repeat this until you find the one mod that's causing you problems. It's a pain, I know, but it's a way...


ive done that, and it seems that it's multiple mods, the divide and conquer method isn't effective here, so far ive found that astral is one of them, and your mod, im pretty sure that it has to do with world gen, so I'll have to see...what's weird is that biomes o plenty doesn't do anything about it... so perhaps its only related to block and liquid spawning


YES finally I found it, it was LegibleNEI, apparently it was spamming the log so hard (250 MB log file) that the world wouldn't even load up and would die from such spam


Good to hear you found it :)