PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Magnets still work when in Spectator Mode

Vaelzan opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug

When wearing a Pneumatic Chestplate upgrade with a Magnet Upgrade that is enabled, it will continue to draw items towards the player even if they switch to spectator mode.

How to reproduce the bug

Craft Pneumatic Chestplate
Add Magnet Upgrade in Charging Station + charge it.
Turn on the magnet upgrade.
Drop a bunch of items on the ground.
Switch from survival/creative to spectator mode.

Expected behavior

Spectators should not be able to influence the game state in any way.

Additional details

No response

Which Minecraft version are you using?


Which version of PneumaticCraft: Repressurized are you using?


Crash log

No response


Addition: Several other modules also still work in spectator mode, such as Jet Boots. I haven't extensively checked all of them.


I see no issue with Jet Boots working in spectator mode, since they don't affect the world in any way. If you spot other issues feel free to update this issue.


They still cost air + impact movement. That's part of the game state in my eyes.


There's actually valid use case here for a faster way of moving around in spectator mode, and the jet boots provide that. I can disable air usage while in spectator mode, but I don't see the need to disable jet boots entirely?

Update: guess I could disable for non-op players, in the case that some mod ability temporarily grants them spectator mode (I recall some Roots spell used to be able to do that...)


There's arguably a use case for the magnet in spectator mode, too. It's just that both are fairly niche.

Things like the Slowness and Swiftness effects don't impact spectator mode, so I wouldn't expect any other speed modifiers too either (especially since you can already move at nearly 90 blocks per second by using the scroll wheel and the sprint key, so it's unlikely to be useful to go faster).

It's up to you though, really. It's not game-breaking or anything. I just prefer a more pure spectator mode similar to vanilla Minecraft since I mainly use it for diagnosing issues and would rather not have any sort of connection with what I was previously doing in survival (eg. equipped gear or inventory contents).