PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Drone can't export item in inventory if not used in any way

Sewef opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Minecraft 1.12.2



My Sapling Planter drone is pretty stupid.

What I did :

  • Import from inventory piece to get items from a Drawer (Storage Drawers)
  • Place piece to an area
  • Export to inventory piece to put excess items in the same Drawer
  • Goto charging station

What it was supposed to do :

  • Take a stack of items
  • Place them if possible
  • Put excess item in the drawer
  • Wait on the Charging Station

What it do :

  • Take a stack of items
  • IF it didn't use any taken item, keep them
    ELSE put them in the drawer
  • Wait on the Charging Station

Is the "don't put unused stack" a bug of a feature ?


Chapo - The Sapling Planter
Program here :


Just tested this, and it worked as I expected. I set up a drawer with 64 saplings, and a 5x5 area to plant in.

  • First run: drone takes 32 saplings, plants 25, returns 7 to the drawer, goes to the charging station and waits
  • Next run: no saplings grown. Drone goes to drawer, takes saplings, immediately puts them all back in the drawer (nowhere to place them), returns to the charging station
  • Next run (I broke few saplings). Drone goes to drawer takes saplings, replants in gaps, returns remainder to drawer, returns to charging station

Exactly as I would expect. It never kept any unused saplings, even if it didn't use any.


Uh. I can reproduce this without problem... I will make a video when I will be back home.
Are you using the same program as me ? Or maybe we do not have the same forge version ?


I'm using Forge in the dev instance. It seems unlikely to make a difference, but you never know...

I am using the same program as you, only change is the locations in the Area pieces. And I'm using birch saplings to test, not sure what you're using?

Anyway, a video would be helpful, yes.


I'll test it out on a dedicated server instance and see what happens.


I just tested in single player, and it works !
Maybe all my problems are multiplayer only ? I am playing on a server, so, uh, maybe I had to tell it before


Tested on a server, and still can't reproduce it - the drone does exactly as I'd expect, putting away all saplings it took even if it can't plant any...


That's weird.
It works in singleplayer but not in multiplayer, so maybe we have a server-side problem ?
Here's the server\mods folder :


Update: The drone puts correctly the items if the "Export to Inventory" don't point the drawer it used to get the items.

For now, I Import the sapling from my drawer and Export into a hopper pointing into the drawer.
Still a bug, but there's a parade.

