PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


More Aphorism tile functionality

desht opened this issue · 13 comments


Consider some or all of these features:

  • Markup code support using the § character. Possibly insert by holding down R-Alt and typing 0-9 or a-r?
  • Multiblock tiles?
  • Images?

Multiblock Aphorism Tiles would be awesome, especially if they can extend over other blocks without taking a block space like the screens from RFTools Utility :P


Markup support (and some more editing keybinds) are in now


Give build 88 a go, and see what you think... (also,


Amazing! I will have to dedicate a Saturday to messing around with this, I have a very neat idea :D Seems to work without any hitches either, it all feels very polished. This deserves a 🥇


This really does feel very polished, gave it a closer look this morning and could not spot a single issue aside from the alt codes being a little unintuitive (at first, one gets used to it very quickly). I didn't think about this when I suggested the feature, but I think you may have just enabled Cookie Clicker type games in Minecraft with this. Like, I can definitely see this being the output of an actual game driven by those big redstone CPUs people make. Unfortunately I cannot make such a CPU so I will settle for this for now.


As text is added, it'd decrease in size to make room for the text.

OK, I see what you mean.

The signal emission would be for the tile. I imagine the use case being coupled to the use of channels. So you could have a redstone input on the white channel, and two redstone outputs on the white channel. One of the outputs goes to whatever redstone-powerable block you're using it on, and the other is meant specifically just to monitor the signal strength via the tile.

That could work, yeah...


It would probably help to mention a vision for these different mechanics. I imagine the player being able to combine these different mechanics in cool ways. One application I can immediately think of is monitoring autocrafting. Lets say we have a single drone who's job it is to do autocrafting of sticky pistons. We could have another drone monitor a chest, setting the amount of sticky pistons in the chest to a global variable, that another drone uses that variable to update an aphorism tile such that it either displays how many pistons have been crafted, or how many pistons there are left to craft. If it were possible to dynamically change the "crafting program" of an autocrafting drone (I haven't gotten that far into drone programming yet but it seems plausible)... then the tile could be even more dynamic, such that it shows which step of the crafting process is currently happening, be it smelting an ingot, to crafting the regular piston, to making the piston sticky. I find such an application would heavily complement Pneumaticraft's logistics system, which I've been using extensively. (I'm the type of player who avoids AE2/RS - I have had entire bases managed entirely by Botania's Corporea and I'm finding PneumaticCraft's logistics system pretty much has 1:1 feature parity with Corporea. The only thing it lacks is a good way to display items and stock counts in the world like the Corporea Crystal cubes do).

I'm sure there are other applications for this as well, but this is mostly what I imagine it being used for.


The Aphorism Tiles are pretty cool, and are even better when you combine them with a drone that edits signs to use them as a sort of dynamic screen, and multiblock tiles seems like a wonderful idea. I have some possible enhancement ideas too:

  • The ability to customize the padding between the text and the edge of the tile border.
  • In addition to multiblock tiles, individual adjacent tiles with connected textures, so separate parts of the same "screen" can be targeted individually.
  • The ability to right-click an item onto a tile to have that item's sprite render on the tile, above the text. Drones should be able to perform this action too, so the icon can be dynamically changed.
  • An interaction with the Redstone Tube Module, such that a tile in front of one will display the current signal strength of the module.
  • The ability to use the Camouflage Applicator to make the tile's model invisible. The tile's content should still be visible, but it would just render on the block behind the tile.

Interesting ideas, some easier than others 👍

The ability to customize the padding between the text and the edge of the tile border.

Yep, the GUI could have a margin-adjusting slider.

In addition to multiblock tiles, individual adjacent tiles with connected textures, so separate parts of the same "screen" can be targeted individually.

Would be cool, definitely not so easy though.

The ability to right-click an item onto a tile to have that item's sprite render on the tile, above the text. Drones should be able to perform this action too, so the icon can be dynamically changed.

I like the idea, but would need to consider how to do the layout. How much space would the item take up? Where on the tile would it be drawn in relation to the text? When you say "above", do you mean in the Y axis, or actually in front of the text (behind would make more sense...)

An interaction with the Redstone Tube Module, such that a tile in front of one will display the current signal strength of the module

Problem with this is the tile would then block the actual signal emission from the module... I suppose the tile could relay the signal on, but this starts to feel a bit more feature-creepy...

The ability to use the Camouflage Applicator to make the tile's model invisible. The tile's content should still be visible, but it would just render on the block behind the tile.

I like that, though I wouldn't necessarily require the applicator. Just a checkbox in the tile's GUI would suffice...


I like the idea, but would need to consider how to do the layout. How much space would the item take up? Where on the tile would it be drawn in relation to the text? When you say "above", do you mean in the Y axis, or actually in front of the text (behind would make more sense...)

I meant above the text on the Y axis. So the icon being present would push the text down on the Y axis too. As for how much space it would take up, it'd abide by the same rules as the text. By default, with 0 text, it'd take up the entire tile (with some padding). As text is added, it'd decrease in size to make room for the text.

Problem with this is the tile would then block the actual signal emission from the module... I suppose the tile could relay the signal on, but this starts to feel a bit more feature-creepy...

The signal emission would be for the tile. I imagine the use case being coupled to the use of channels. So you could have a redstone input on the white channel, and two redstone outputs on the white channel. One of the outputs goes to whatever redstone-powerable block you're using it on, and the other is meant specifically just to monitor the signal strength via the tile.


Wow, I didn't think you'd implement this so quickly. This is perfect. I'm guessing from the first image that this works by typing the item's tag, rather than right clicking the actual item?




Thoughts on this?

2020-12-04_17 30 18

2020-12-04_17 30 34

Nice thing about this is we can do more than one item:

2020-12-04_17 32 38