PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Logistic Drones not respecting Dispenser Upgrades

wrincewind opened this issue ยท 6 comments


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When upgrading a drone in the Charging Station, it suggests adding Dispenser Upgrades to increase the number of stacks the drone is capable of carrying. However, even with several upgrades in it at once, the drone only grabs one stack items from a given chest before flying away. It's pulling items from a Logistic Active Provider frame on an EnderStorage Ender Chest, and dumping them into a Logistic Storage Frame on a Storage Drawers Drawer Controller.

Any other comments?

It doesn't even grab a full stack - if there's a stack of 12 gunpowder in one slot, and 10 more gunpowder several slots away, it'll only grab the first 12 and leave the rest behind.


The Logistics Drone doesn't actually support Dispenser Upgrades; we'll make that clearer in the docs. While it's something we'll consider in future, the intention is really for multiple Logistics Drones if you want to move stuff around faster, or a regular Drone with upgrades (and a Logistics puzzle piece).

Since Logistics Drones are quite a bit cheaper & simpler to make than full programmable Drones, it's a reasonable trade-off that they're not as flexible & upgradeable.

Regarding not picking up a full stack, we'll take a look into that. Looks like right now, it's just grabbing the first matching stack it sees in the inventory rather than scanning the whole inventory to fill the order as fully as possible.


Confirming that the current behaviour is to just pick up the first matching stack and deliver it.

While it's a potentially desirable behaviour to collect as much as possible of the matching item, this will need some work on the logistics backend system. So I'm going to mark this as an enhancement request.


I will say that the Dispenser Upgrade's tooltip specifically says that it can be used in the Logistics Drone, and the Charging Station, when upgrading the Logsitics Drone, shows a large list of possible upgrades in the Help tabs on the side, including the Dispenser Upgrade, so those will both need tweaking, i think.

Still, thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind for the future.

Also, Logistics Drones are upgradable, at least in some ways - they accept Speed upgrades and run faster with them in.


I didn't say Logistics Drones weren't upgradable - just that they're not as upgradable as regular Drones :)

But we'll get the tool tips and information tabs fixed to properly reflect how it works.


Added the 'grab as many of the same item' behaviour, released in the next version.


Fixed in 0.6.7 release