PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


"Follow" Routine for Drones

PaladinWho opened this issue · 8 comments


Would it be possible to implement a sort of "Follow Player" program piece or upgrade for the drones?

I always wanted to go around the world with my drone following me, killing mobs, picking up items, etc. for me

I understand that hacking your drone makes it follow you but it also stops the routine so an actually implemented follow player and interact with nearby objects/kill nearby mobs mode/program would be nice


@PaladinWho I have a Remote Program that I wrote a while back (updated recently) that will "light the way", bridge gaps in the direction you are walking, and protect you as you explore. Also, you can set a home location to have the drone come to pick you up and take you home. The program isn't perfect by any means, but if you want to give it a try/look at how some of the logic is used you can get the 2 programs below. I tried to put in as many tooltips to help guide you.

----Drone Remote Layout---
To import this, hold a remote in your hand and sneak + right click; on the left you will see "Import/Export...from pastebin" click that drop in the link above

---Drone Programer Remote---
Same import steps but with the Programmer this time

Now that you have everything imported, you will need to set 3 cords in the program.
-Home location
-Chest location to be used to import sword, torches, and cobble
-Charging station (Your drone will return here when you put him in Standby)
These are noted within the program and you may want to change the sword item filter I have a diamond sword set by default

To use the Remote post setup

You'll be greeted with a fairly blank screen once you right click with the remote in your hand, but there will be two checkboxes in the upper right-hand corner. Once you check those, you will be given more options. See below for a couple screenshots.


Note: The drone will need 3 dispenser upgrades to carry the items or he will do nothing.
Also, if you don't have it all ready, I highly recommend installing the In-Game Wiki mod, it contains some great documentation. It is a client-side mod that doesn't need to be on a server if you are playing on a server.

@desht I don't mean to piggy-back a thread, but if you could check out the program, I ran into issues with the Light Level Condition piece. I have tried everything to get it to behave, even went as far as putting in a Foreach and block condition piece to filter out "Air." My original approach that worked previously can be found in V3 of the remote and program here: --->Remote --->Programmer
Basically, I would like to scan an area and return True/False if any blocks have x light level. Air blocks and blocks that are completely enclosed break this approach.

Also, the drone isn't switching to the sword when attacking. Is there a way to prioritize the drone to switch the item with highest damage value if an attack piece is activated?

Sorry for the long post, but I hope this helps!


Sure, both of those (weapon switching & light detection) sound like things that should be there.


Speaking of 'prioritizing the drone to switch the item with highest damage value' is there a generic way to get the drone to pick a specific item out of its current inventory? Mostly i'm just curious, as currently it 'holds' the most recently picked up item. Is there a way to get it to, say, 'swap to item $number' in your inventory'?


@wrincewind there isn't any way right now, although it wouldn't be too hard to add an 'Equip Item' puzzle piece. What would be the use case(s) for that, though?


@Tekstack while looking at optimal weapon picking, I realised that drones absolutely suck at melee now (took about 10 hits to kill a spider with a diamond sword)... they still spam their attacks like they did in 1.7.10 :) Drones will need to learn 1.9+ fighting techniques just like players did... (I'll see about adding an attack cooldown)


@desht you know, now that i look back, I can't recall. It could be useful for e.g. equipping a wrench before right-clicking on a block, or equipping a Wand of the Forest to help with automating Botania's rune creation, say? Or am I overthinking it and there are easier ways to do that?


@Tekstack I think your problem with the light levels might be down to a simple derp on my part, getting a comparison order wrong when refactoring that program widget. Can you give build 223 a go and let me know if it works better?


Ahh just saw your comment about the sword swing timer and I didn't even think about it. I'll test build 223 in reference to the light level check. Also, I can't wait to give the new armor a spin, looks awesome.