PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Suggestion: Add Agricraft compatability for the new Harvesting Drone

wrincewind opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Currently the drone just sits there, floating next to my fully grown crops like some big fat idiot. >:I

[TBF I have a nice little program for doing this with proper drones, but... it'd be nice, right?


Yeah, I think this shouldn't be too hard. Looks like Agricraft crops are just a tile entity with some handy methods for checking maturity and doing harvesting. @MineMaarten wrote a nice extensible system for crop harvesting so plugging in Agricraft should be fairly straightforward.


Actually, no - I was wrong. The example I was looking at (Botania Tweaks) uses ASM to patch Agricraft to make the crops harvestable. I'm not touching ASM with a bargepole...


I'll continue to research. I'm pretty sure there's a way...


Well, fingers crossed...!


Back to 2017, with Agricraft 1.10.2 (alpha build), I went into compatibility issues : machines from others mods couldn't harvest crops without using a FakePlayer (Mechanical User from Ex2, Drone from PNC, Turtle from CC, Robot from OC)... I checked the Agricraft Github and they just removed all mod compat with 1.10 update and they were going to re-add them.
As Agricraft 1.12.2 is still in alpha, it has the same non-compat problem, I guess. That's one the the reasons that made me uninstall this mod :l


I'm looking at now, and it does appear to have the necessary support for checking if crops are mature and/or harvestable. It looks workable, but I won't know until I've tried some integration...