PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Mechanic Villager (aka slightly better documentation)

kihira opened this issue ยท 5 comments


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When learning the mod, I was trying to find out how to get the PCB blueprint and see that the villager should trade it. However after talking to MineMaarten about it, turns out the villager is useless and can't be traded with and instead you need to use tablet to order it.

I would recommend you remove his trades from JEI and "how to get him" from the IGW until you are able to remove him as it can cause confusion.

Any other comments?

I do find the documentation lacking in a lot of regards, it's hard to find out what something does, how to get something and there is often effectively a "wall of text" in some areas. The most notable thing that comes to mind right now is heat. Apart from the tooltip in GUI's, there isn't a solid explanation. Searching in the IGW for "heat" reveals nothing.


Odd, I'm pretty sure the villager works. I did do some work on porting him from 1.7.10, and I recall his trades working. He can either randomly generate in a village, or be made by dropping any other villager in a pressure chamber.

I'll do some testing and make sure he still works. Having said that, the vast majority of players are likely to go for the Amadron tablet rather than find or make a villager...

IGW could use a Heat page, agreed. That's easy enough to add. If other things come to mind, please do let me know - this kind of feedback is really valuable :)


Ahh I was told he was no longer needed and was to be removed. I managed to convert a villager but he still had his old trades. I also managed to kill one as you basically have no time between when they convert and when they die heh.

There is some errors on the Pressure Chamber page, it was complaining about failing to parse. This was on the older version though so I haven't checked if they've been updated. I'll update this thread tonigh when I can test more


Mechanic villager creation now works, and as a bonus I made mechanics immune to pressure chamber damage.

There are indeed errors in the pressure chamber wiki page; I'm actually just inclined to remove any specific recipe information from there and tell people to use JEI. Especially given so many packs change recipes with CraftTweaker anyway - there's no guarantee the wiki page is even accurate (IGW uses static recipes - it doesn't dynamically query them).


There actually is a page for Heat, but it wasn't in the main menu index (it is now). It's linked to from the pages for any machine that uses heat (e.g. Refinery, Advanced compressors)...


Fixed in 0.7.3 release. Added a top-level menu entry for Heat, and cleaned up the page for the Pressure Chamber.