PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Game crashes after drone removed 1 block while running a "dig program"

gamelnderGamler opened this issue · 3 comments


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i have again a problem with drones which should dig stuff. Hope this time it isn´t only on my server ;-)

I have a "dig program" ( to dig one block dirt. The drone flys there and starts diging the one block dirt. After it is finished (the sound of a broken block apears normaly), the block is still there and the game crashes.
If i restart the game/server, the block is removed.

I get the feeling, that drones just dont want to dig stuff for me :-(

Any other comments?

This is the crash report:


This is a bug in Inventory Pets, not PneumaticCraft.

That mod's HarvestHandler class is making incorrect assumptions about the size of the player's inventory (assuming it has at least 9 slots), which is not necessarily true for a drone's fake player (only 1 slot by default). They should be checking the player's inventory size before iterating over it, or possibly verifying that the player in the event is a real player and not a fake player.

As a workaround, adding 8 dispenser upgrades to your drone will probably get round the problem, but you should report this to the Inventory Pets maintainer.


Oh ok, sorry to bother you then.
Nevertheless thank you for your quick help!

The solution with the 8 dispenser is also working.
My drone isnt vanishing either, so i think you can delet the last bug report i wrote long time ago. Still really strange tho.


No worries. I never did get to the bottom of why your drone was vanishing, but I'll close that now. Can always reopen if it happens again.