PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Crash upon using the armor's config GUI

Famous5000 opened this issue ยท 12 comments


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Upon pressing U [the key bound to this mod's armor config screen], the game would violently crash had VanillaFix not been installed.

If it helps, my armor is mostly discharged, and I only equipped my helmet as per this screenshot:

Any other comments?

Here's the crash report generated by VanillaFix...


If it does help, on a previous world, I had installed almost every single addon into the armor pieces and it worked just fine.


Thanks for the info.

Yeah definitely something weird going on here, and it does appear to be strictly clientside. Like I said, I could code around the symptoms, but I can't yet see what the root cause is. But I have some lines of investigation to follow...


Alright, let me know when a solution is found please, as I'd like to be able to fly around like a maniac again.


Would you be in a position to try out a test version with some extra debugging statements inserted? Might give me some idea of where things are going wrong.


I might be able to try it. Send me the file, I'll see if I can get the pack to work with it.


OK, build 268 ( has a bunch of debugging in it which might be helpful. All the relevant messages contain the string "ISSUE254" to make it easy to extract the relevant data from the log file. If you could try that build out and reproduce the crash, that would be great.

The build is based off the 0.8.0 beta, but it should work fine with your existing world (there aren't any new or removed blocks/items relative to 0.7.8).


I was actually going to do this on a copy of the modpack that was created, so no need to worry about corruption in either case.

I'll do as I did before: Set up the keybind, then try to replicate the crash. If it crashes, I'll send you the crash and the logs if I can.


It appears to be happening whenever I hit the key at all... I'm going to see if it's conflicting with JEI by changing the keybind, I'll edit this comment when I get more info.


I can't reproduce this, although I can probably add a bit of code to prevent the crash (it's reaching a point which shouldn't be reachable, where the gui init code thinks there are no upgrades to add handlers for, which does not appear to be the case).

I'll do some more investigation, but a couple of questions:

  • Does this crash happen every time? Has it ever worked? I ask because the durability bar on your helmet (207/264) suggests the helmet is not new.
  • Were you wearing any of the other pneumatic armor pieces at the time? If so, which (and which upgrades where installed) ?

Upon the time of the INITIAL crash:

  1. It DID work when everything was unpowered and I had all of my gear worn w/o pressure.
  2. Yes, I took it all off except for the helmet once it occurred to see if I could replicate it.

Upon the most recent crash:

  1. Same as above
  2. All armor was equipped, all charged somewhat.

And the GUI appears to crash whenever I hit the key, even if it's bound to a new key.

Edit: Upon the subsequent failures, VanillaFix refuses to provide more context. I have access to server logs if you want me to retrieve them.

Edit 2: Server has no errors regarding this mod. There is an error for EIO's tank GUIs, but that's for them to solve. I suspect it has something to do with the Entity Tracker, so I'm going to take that out and try it again.

Edit 3: Nope. Crash even without the Entity Tracker upgrade.

Upon examining the console for the server once I disconnect, however, I saw this...
[19:18:00] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/NetHandlerPlayServer]: Famous5000 lost connection: Internal Exception:$NativeIoException: syscall:read(..) failed: Connection reset by peer


Did you ever get a chance to try the debug version? Would be interesting to know...


Closing due to lack of feedback.