PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Assembly table says duplicate machine

owskie opened this issue ยท 25 comments


Minecraft version: 1.12.2

Forge Version:

Mod Version: 1.12.2-0.6.6-192

Im playing on my sevtech server and im at the point of setting my assembly
system up. I have all the parts and placed them but the controller always tells me i have duplicate machines. I have all the right things and all set in the right spot. Nothing i do changes it


Problem resolved, but further work done in 0.8.4 to make it clearer what machines are missing.


I would need to see a screenshot of your setup.


Here is a setup I used. It's not my picture but the setup is the same. (


That setup is running fine, though. You've built exactly this, and you're still getting the "duplicate machine" error??




OK, might be difficult to track down. I'd still like a screenshot of your actual current setup when you're able.


When I get home from work I'll try installing a new version of the model I think there is a newer version and I will take a picture of the setup


Here is a link ( One pic has the message and other is the setup. The setup has changed because I've been trying different configurations.


Well, I don't see any duplicates, but I can tell you that your second setup won't work, since the laser needs to be directly adjacent (not diagonally) to the assembly platform.

The import/export arms can be diagonal to the chest(s) and platform, but the laser and drill must be directly adjacent to the platform.

I'll make a copy of your setup this evening and see if I get the duplicate error.


The problem is I've set it up so the laser and drill weren't diagonal. I still got the error


OK then, please show me a screenshot of your exact current setup so I can build a copy and debug.


This is my current set up.


I've tried other setups but nothing works


Yeah, that would cause a dupe error since you then have 2 input units. Not sure why it's reverting though. If you wrench it back to output does the error go away?


Someting i just noticed. When i disconnect from my server and go back in the IO unit i set to extract always reverts back to input. Maybe that is something. I havent had any issues with my server up to this point.


No when I wrench it back the error stays.


Very odd. I'll keep this open for now and try to reproduce it but it might be difficult. Would be useful to know if anything else changed with your server when the issues started.


Nothing else has changed. I've been doing lots of other stuff while the assembly didnt work and nothing else gave me issues.
I tried restarting the server but nothing changed


That's really great. I tried to update the mod on my server but it's a sevtech server and I dont think it liked it as it kept crashing. I will try a new version though if I can try it


I'm doing some reworking of how the Assembly system finds its machines for 0.8.4, which might help. I will let you know once that version is out (or when a dev version is available for testing purposes).


Ok.... so I got it working. Of all the things it could have been. It was the wrench i was using..... I just made a random wrench that made the IO blue. I have to use the pneumaticcraft wrench. I dont know if that's something that is normal but that did the trick.
If that was a normal thing I should have known I'm sorry for the trouble. Thank you for all the support though. You are the best


Yeah, I know Sevtech is really close to the item limit, and the newer PNC release adds a few extra items which might be enough to push it over the limit. might help there, but it can also cause instability, so I'd try it out on a test world first.


Cool I'll give that a shot when I get home. I am also going to try taking the world of my server and make it single player see if it works in single player world then move the save back.


Still no good. I just dont get it. I installed sevtech on a different pc and created a creative single player world and still it doesn't work. When I log out of the world and go back it still resets the IO back to input


No worries. Newer versions of the mod do have some better 3rd party wrench support, so you might find that works better in future. The version of PNC in Sevtech is actually quite old now. But good to know that the Pneumatic Wrench does the job.