PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Suggestion: config option to disable natural heat sources

wormzjl opened this issue · 7 comments


The purpose is to enforce the use of vortex tube instead of some smart systems that take advantage of natural heat sources.


This could be an option, but my concern would be the potential confusion arising from inconsistencies in PNCR behaviour between different instances/modpacks. Any deviation from the default would need to be very clearly documented as such (e.g. in a quest book or other modpack documentation).

Having said that, this wouldn't be too hard to add, more likely by a configurable thermal resistance rather than a simple on/off toggle.

Note that the thermal resistance of fluids is already configurable: see D:fluidThermalResistance in the config file. Setting this to a very big number would make heat move so slowly from fluids that it would not be worth using them. This doesn't apply to solid blocks (torches/fire/magma), unfortunately, but that or something similar could be added easily enough. Although torches already have a stupid high resistance (100000) so don't do much.


If it can prevent the refinery from reaching 100°C by all means then I think it will be ok.


I'd say put a ThermalResistance of -1 to disable this block/fluid from producing heat


@Sewef not that simple, unfortunately. The rate that heat moves between two objects (the machine, and the block/fluid) is dependent on the sum of both of their thermal resistances. So just setting the block/fluid to -1 would make heat transfer a little faster.


Added in 0.9.0 release: see D:blockThermalResistanceMultiplier in config


Will this affect the thermal conductivity of normal PnC blocks?


No. I should probably make that clear in the config file comment...