PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


This is a crash report

magcicada opened this issue · 12 comments


I don't konw why the game crashed,sience I used the virsion 0.10.0-328 or 0.10.1-330,the game was continually crashing.


I think it should be a problem with the coolant of ic2.


Although there is no warning, the coolant does not provide heat or change to another liquid.


And there seems to be a problem here in the BlockHeatProperties.cfg file.


Are you running now with build 331?

Regular IC2 coolant "ic2coolant" is room-temperature so won't change any machine temperatures (easiest test is to put a fluid down beside a compressed iron block and see what the block's temperature does).

IC2 Hot coolant "ic2hot_coolant" is very hot and should rapidly heat up any machine it's next to, eventually turning into "ic2_coolant" once enough heat has been extracted.

What problem do you see in BlockHeatProperties.cfg? Those entries look OK to me.


The first one I selected was that the hot coolant provided 20,000 heat and turned into the coolant. The second one was that the coolant supplied 20,000 heat and turned into hot coolant. This is the default data. I think this is a mistake.


And I did use the build 331 version.


Yeah it is the default data, but not a mistake. "totalHeat" is the overall heat capacity - the amount of heat the block can gain or lose before it transforms to another block. I admit that's a bit misleading but the comment at the top of that file explains what those fields mean.

So "ic2hot_coolant" can lose up to 20000 heat before it turns into "ic2coolant" (via the transformCold line). Because it has no transformHot line, it won't transform if it gains too much heat.

Similarly "ic2coolant" (the cool stuff) can gain 20000 heat before turning into "ic2hot_coolant", and it won't transform if it loses heat.


I tested all the marked fluids in BlockHeatProperties.cfg without any warnings, and I don't think I can afford more help.I haven't tried those solids yet, but at least the game didn't crash.


OK, thanks for the input. Just to note that all fluids actually have heat properties - the temperature is defined by the mod that adds them (e.g. hot coolant is around 1000C), and if they're not explicitly listed in the .cfg file, they have default thermal resistance = 100 and default total heat capacity = 10000 (see the "defaults" section of the file.

So e.g. blazing pyrotheum should still heat your refinery even though it's not listed there.

I'll do some more testing this weekend and verify everything is working as it should be. It's odd you didn't get any warnings from build 331, the null check I added does log a warning if it detects a null that caused the crash in build 330.


Now it’s already in Beijing time, 0:45, I am very sleepy now, I think I should continue to experiment tomorrow.:)


Not sure why this is happening, but I've added some extra sanity checking which should prevent the crash. Can you test out build 331 from and let me know if it helps?

You might also see some warnings in your log like "unable to retrieve custom heat entry for fluid XXX" - if you see those can you paste them here please? That would be really helpful in tracking down which fluid has the problem.


This should all be working now, so closing.