PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Crafttweaker Support for Plastic Mixer

TedKnudsen opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Greetings desht et al:

Would like to be able to tweak inputs and outputs, particularly the input fluid (oddly I'll grant)

Possibly overlaps with #318. Didn't see any other conflicts.

If that's too annoying to implement, I have alternative plans that would work with just a configurable input fluid type (somemod:fluid_super_nifty_plastic).

Or you know, none of the above, whichever. Mod's still the best.


Adding alternative input plastic fluids wouldn't be a problem, and Crafttweaker is probably the easiest way to handle that. While the ratio can be configured in config (as you've seen in #318), it might also be useful to allow that via CT.

Configurable outputs is more of a problem though:

  • Would dyes be used?
  • How would the output selection GUI side tab function? It's pretty specifically geared toward different colours of plastic right now...

(FYI I accidentally posted this request under my non-minecraft account)
Honestly I simply ruled out CT-outputs as more-work-than-worth. The plastics-selector looks extremely baked-in.

Giving us an array of IItemStack for the outputs selector works in theory from a user-perspective for the plastics, but from what you're saying it would require something of a refactor.

I don't think there's much you can do with the dyes buffers at all. Anything I can think of would be pretty gross in a cost/benefit analysis. Not saying we wouldn't find a use for it, but really the biggest problem is simply being able to define the liquid that goes in in the first place.


OK, support added. Docs will be on eventually, but for now:

# to add a new fluid as a valid plastic mixer input
# e.g. 100mB lava makes one plastic sheet
mods.pneumaticcraft.liquidplastic.addLiquidPlastic(<liquid:lava>, 100);

# to remove an existing input fluid
# e.g. remove the default "plastic" fluid (which is present by default)

# to remove all existing input fluids

Thanks desht :)


Added in 0.10.4 release.