PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Substantial frame lag when charging amadron tablet in charging station

Machine-Maker opened this issue ยท 5 comments


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I put the Amadron tablet into the Charging Station and instantly had a massive drop in frames. Removing the tablet fixes the issue 100% of the time.

EDIT: This same issue happens in the UV Light Box while working on a pcb

Any other comments?

It only happens when the tablet is actually charging up. If it is charged to the pressure level of the system, it does not cause the frame drop.


This should have been fixed way back in 0.7.3. It's not a problem I can reproduce on my test world.

Are you on a server or a single player world?

How many speed upgrades in your charging station?


I am on a server (Project Ozone 3). And there are no speed upgrades. Only a security one.

EDIT: I should also note that I found the same frame drop happened if the Assembly Line was trying to assembly something but wasn't getting enough pressure. I had 10 speed upgrades in there at the time which made it use air pressure very quickly which I wasn't initially able to supply fast enough. But once it had enough, the frame drop went away.


Yeah there might be something going on with excessive packet sending and it would be more noticeable on a server.

I'll do some debugging and see if there's room for improvement there.


Yep, found and fixed. Fix will be in the imminent 0.10.4 release.

Regarding the Assembly Line issue, if the controller has barely enough pressure, the error status (which must be synced to the client) will flip between "OK" and "Not enough pressure", potentially very frequently. This can cause lag, yes - no simple way around that. The best solution there is just to ensure you have enough pressure :) A few Volume Upgrades in the Controller will make a big difference, and are pretty much a necessity if you want to keep it running smoothly with many Speed Upgrades (more volume = slower pressure drop when work is done).


Fixed in 0.10.4 release.