PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Feature request: Helmet Upgrade - Pumpkin Mode

lafflam opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Feature Request:

This is a suggestion for a new helmet upgrade idea. Please consider creating a helmet upgrade that includes pumpkin(s) in the recipe. When applied to the helmet, it obscures the vision of the player just like wearing a regular pumpkin and allows the player to look at Endermen without provoking them. Please provide a configurable hotkey so this feature can be toggled at will.

I think for game balance, the vision should remain obscured when Pumpkin Mode is enabled. However, you could provide an option in the config file that removes the obscured vision so that players can decide if they'd rather have clear vision or not.

Of course you could come up with a better name than Pumpkin Mode... I dunno, "Enderstealth Mode" perhaps? Other ideas?

If you think Enderstealth Mode is too strong vs Endermen, for balance you could have the Enderstealth Mode strip away the armor protection amount provided by the helmet (since if the player were actually wearing a pumpkin, the player would lose the helmet armor rating). This could also be an option in the config. If you don't think Enderstealth Mode is too strong vs Enderman, then cool.


Looks like this is implemented now :)


It is, although in the so-far unreleased 1.18 version...


Yeah, that's quite a neat idea. TBH I would simply have it obscure the player's vision but disable enderman aggro, with no possibility of disabling the obscuring. That's balanced, especially if the feature can be easily toggled on and off.

This may not make it into the 1.12.2 version (simple due to the amount of time I don't have right now...), but certainly under consideration for 1.14.x.


Glad you like the idea. I totally understand the need to prioritize 1.14 over 1.12. That said, if you suddenly find yourself with nothing to do... (hint hint for 1.12). Otherwise, I suppose I could pester @pyure for a 1.14 version of the InfiTech modpack :-D
