PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Computercraft control issues

ThizThizzyDizzy opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Minecraft Version 1.12.2

Forge Version

Mod Version 1.12.2-0.11.10-385

CC: Tweaked 1.86.2

The Issue

Drones do not properly respond to most tasks given by CC: Tweaked through a Drone interface (Some also crash the game)
I tested most of the actions; about 20% of them worked. Their outcomes listed below

Steps to reproduce for inventoryImport:

Step 1: Program and place a drone with 3 puzzle pieces: start->Computer Control->Area containing a drone interface
Step 2: Place a computer next to the drone interface
Step 3: on the computer, run these commands, in order:
drone = peripheral.wrap("right")
drone.addArea(3889,65,-14341) (where those are the coordinates of a chest containing items)
The drone will not even move.
If you then run drone.isActionDone() it will return true, despite not having done anything

I tested almost every action; most of them had issues listed here:

entityAttack - on player, Server crashed: (NullPointer on getEntitiesWithinArea)
dig - on dirt; Nothing happened
harvest - on fully grown wheat; Nothing happened
place with cobblestone; Nothing happened (Once it placed a block of cobblestone above the drone, but I could not reproduce this)
blockRightClick on trapdoors; Only one of 6 was opened
entityRightClick holding shears on sheep, Server crashed: (NullPointer on getEntitiesWithinArea)
pickupItem - did not test due to the identical crashes on entityAttack and entityRightClick
dropItem - Usually works, but I've had some (not reproducible) issues- sometimes the drone doesn't move at all or moves around randomly (like a bat)
inventoryExport on chest while holding cobblestone - Nothing happened; drone did not move
inventoryImport on chest containing cobblestone - Nothing happened; drone did not move
liquidExport on OpenBlocks tank while holding IE creosote - Nothing happened; drone did not move
liquidImport on OpenBlocks tank containing IE creosote - Drone traveled to and emptied tank
entityExport - did not test due to the identical crashes on entityAttack and entityRightClick
entityImport - did not test due to the identical crashes on entityAttack and entityRightClick
Goto - Works perfectly; drone even teleports when at long distances
teleport - Works perfectly
emitRedstone - Nothing happened; drone did not move (also tried setCount(13) and setUseCount(true) to set redstone level?)
rename (Did not provide any name) - Server crash: (accessing client I18n class on server)
suicide - Works Perfectly
crafting (furnace, with nil in the center) - Server crash:
standby - Works Perfectly, can be woken up by any command
logistics - Didn't do anything, but I also don't have any logistics stuff.
editSign from "This is a sign" to "This" "Is" "TEXT!" - Nothing happened; drone did not move
I don't know how to use conditions with computers, so I didn't test any of the condition actions
rfExport on IE LV Capacitor- Nothing happened, drone did not move
rfImport on IE LV Capacitor- Nothing happened, drone did not move
computerCraft - Moot point, did not test


I had to do some debugging on this, since I'm not overly familiar with this code myself (I didn't write it), but what I discovered was that when programming drones with the Drone Interface, you also need to explicitly set a side or sides of the block to interact with, at least in the case of the import/export pieces. The default is no valid sides, which is why the drone ignores the "importInventory" action.

drone = peripheral.wrap("right")
drone.setSide("up", true)

will work fine (assuming you want to import from the UP side of the inventory). This will apply to any progwidget which takes a side setting (so place/dig/etc. too)

I'm also pushing some changes which should fix the three crashes you reported. Can you try out build 386+ from and let me know if that helps? (Should also fix the crash you reported in #424)


With the specific sides set, the drones do now dig, import, export, and etc. form inventories.
However, I'm having some issues getting them to drop items again.

drone = peripheral.wrap("right")
drone.setSide("up", true)
--wait until the drone finishes
drone.addArea(3891,66,-14343) --nearby in open air

The drone is successfully collecting the items, but is ignoring the drop request.
Does dropping items have a requirement similar to the side requirement that world interactions have?

Doing some testing with the new version- the crashes are fixed, but they have a similar unwillingness to entityExport as they do to dropItem

Edit 2:
The interface can have drones drop items, but only as their first action. Once they do, they will refuse until the drone entity is broken and replaced. I haven't found a way around this yet. (Tried things such as standby, abortAction(), clearing everything I can, or exiting the piece, but nothing seemed to work)


I have found reproducible weirdness similar to the one mentioned above:

(Once it placed a block of cobblestone above the drone, but I could not reproduce this)
(using build 388)


Give build 389 a go. I fixed a bug where the drone's cached area set wasn't being cleared when calling "setArea", "addArea" or "removeArea". Tested working with this program:

drone = peripheral.wrap("right")
drone.addArea(896, 4, -1148)
drone.setSide("up", true)
drone.addArea(900, 4, -1148)

Note I needed to use the sleep(1) there, otherwise the drone doesn't get a chance to import the item before its area is cleared. Don't think there's any way around this; timing issues due to the way Computercraft is running on a separate thread (the setAction() doesn't happen instantly).


Tested inventoryImport -> place -> drop items -> entityImport -> entityExport as well as liquid import/export
All confirmed working in build 389
Thanks! :D