PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Gasoline is registered as <liquid:fuel>

H-QueerCoded opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When using this mod alone, this doesn't cause any issues. But when using it together with another mod that adds <liquid:gasoline> and <liquid:fuel> like Magneticraft, it doesn't make much sense to have this mod's gasoline as <liquid:fuel>. Magneticraft fuel is a much denser form of oil that isn't interchangeable with gasoline. Cracking <liquid:fuel> into LPG doesn't make any sense, and having the <liquid:fuel> in magneticraft's refining process labeled as gasoline is inaccurate.

Registering gasoline as <liquid:gasoline> would resolve this

Minecraft Version


Mod Version



Sorry, its far too late now to change this fluid's name. It's always been called "fuel" - changing it now would be grossly disruptive.