PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Cannot see puzzle pieces in Programmer

gchpaco opened this issue ยท 22 comments


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Reoccurrence of #496 and #543, but attempting to change the GUI scale doesn't help.

Any other comments?



I tried at least GUI scale = auto, 1, 2, 3 and 4 and couldn't see the puzzle pieces that are obviously there in any of them.


Sorry, not seeing this behaviour at all. Tried several combinations of resolution and GUI scale, and it's all working for me.

Anything in your logs?


All I can see in the logs is
[20Aug2020 18:56:55.527] [Render thread/ERROR] [Waila/]: Caught unhandled exception : [class me.desht.pneumaticcraft.common.thirdparty.waila.SemiblockProvider$Component] java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method me/desht/pneumaticcraft/common/entity/semiblock/EntityLogisticsPassiveProvider.getDisplayName()Lnet/minecraft/util/text/ITextComponent; is abstract
which looks like a Waila thing.


Yeah just checked again, not seeing anything.


Just reproduced with only JEI, 1.15.2, Forge 31.2.36, and mod version 1.4.4-64. It may matter that I'm on a Mac.



Tested and experienced the same problem with 1.16.1 with 32.0.108, and pneumaticcraft 2.1.1-14, again on my Mac. Having a friend try on her Linux box.


Friend confirms she can see the tokens on Linux. She's testing on her mac to see if it's version specific.


as the friend in question, i used:
minecraft 1.15.2, forge 31.2.36, jei, pneumaticraft 1.4.4. no other mods present for testing.

on both linux and macos (10.14.6) i'm able to see the tokens just fine, so i can only guess it's either an install-specific issue, a configuration-specific issue, or something that only manifests on certain version[s] of macos.


That did it.


Excellent, turned out to easier than I'd feared then! That fix will be in the next 1.15 and 1.16 releases.


So on a hunch I tried older releases. The 1.12 Programmer works fine. The 1.14 Programmer shows the same problem (i.e. cannot see tiles); I tested back as far as 1.14.4-1.0.0 (the alpha). 1.12.2-0.11.14-395 worked in 1.12. So whatever it is that's doing this (and I have a hunch the canvas widget is drawing the tiles, just waaaaaaaay off the play field, like on mars) was introduced in the 1.14 transition, which I know doesn't nail it down much.


Hm. Something that occurs to us; I have a Retina display. I wonder if that's a contributing factor.


Yeah that's probably significant. What's your display resolution?

There were major changes in the programmer gui code between 1.12 and 1.14, mainly due to very different gui code in vanilla. It's not quite a rewrite but pretty big all the same.


True display size: 3072 x 1920. I believe this is a 2x retina, so it pretends to be 1536 x 960. I tested on an external display with the laptop in headless mode, but no love. If I tell it to pretend to be 1536 x 960, still no love. I know I've tried telling it to pretend to be 1152 x 720, and it didn't help. If you have a debug build you want me to run with more logs that reports e.g. where the actual position of the canvas display is on the screen and where it thinks its drawing stuff, I'm happy to do that.


Yeah I might put a debug build together for this. It's not so much where it draws as the size of the OpenGL scissor area that limits where drawing of widgets happens.


There might be a more general problem with Glscissor and hi-dpi macos displays... a bit of googling turned up a couple of links with unrelated (non minecraft) projects experiencing similar issues on macs.


Interesting! ocornut/imgui@e58f991 might be of use as an example.


Strangely enough, I'm just looking at that now :)


Before I go too deep into that, I've made a small change which makes the scissor box calculations more like 1.12. Can you give build 22 from a go and let me know if it helps any?


Oh just realised you're on 1.15...this build is for 1.16, sorry. I'll get a 1.15 build done later but I need to go out for a bit.


Fixed in 2.2.0 and 1.4.5 release