PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


[Feature Request] Dimension Based Blacklist for Oil

MuteTiefling opened this issue · 6 comments


Would you consider adding an additional dimension based blacklist for oil generation? It's a bit of a pain to track down all the nether/end biomes added by various mods and would be handy to simply blacklist the entire dimension instead.


Yeah, that thought had occurred to me too. I'll add that for the 2.7.0 release.


Oh, that's unfortunate to hear :(


This might actually be harder than I thought (and possibly why I didn't do it when I ported to 1.16.3) - the dimension ID simply isn't available to the BiomeLoadingEvent, which is where the oil lake feature is added.

I'll see if I can find a way, but it's not obvious at this point...


OK, here's a compromise: it's easy to blacklist by biome category, and both nether and the_end are valid categories. So I'll add a "oil_worldgen_category_blacklist":

       #Oil worldgen blacklist by biome category: add biome categories to this list if you don't want oil worldgen to happen there. Accepted categories are: beach, desert, extreme_hills, forest, icy, jungle, mesa, mushroom, nether, none, ocean, plains, river, savanna, swamp, taiga, the_end.  This works in conjunction with 'oil_world_gen_blacklist' - if a biome matches either, then no oil lakes will generate there.
        oil_world_gen_category_blacklist = ["none"]
       #Oil worldgen blacklist: add biome IDs to this list if you don't want oil worldgen to happen there.  This works in conjunction with 'oil_world_gen_category_blacklist' - if a biome matches either, then no oil lakes will generate there.
        oil_world_gen_blacklist = ["minecraft:soul_sand_valley", "minecraft:crimson_forest", "minecraft:warped_forest", "minecraft:the_void", "minecraft:the_end", "minecraft:small_end_islands", "minecraft:end_midlands", "minecraft:end_highlands", "minecraft:end_barrens"]

So if you want no oil generating in any nether-type biome, adding "nether" to "oil_world_gen_category_blacklist" should do it, assuming the mod author has correctly categorised their new biome...


assuming the mod author has correctly categorised their new biome...

Hey, you can only do so much from your end :D This is perfect, I think, and gets the job done. Thank you kindly!


Fixed in 2.7.0 release