PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Camouflage doesn't work with Chisel connected textures

desht opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Using connected-texture chisel blocks as camouflage doesn't connect the textures.

We need to at least implement IFacade from the CTM API, and add this to BlockPneumaticCraftCamo:

    @Optional.Method(modid = "ctm-api")
    public IBlockState getFacade(@Nonnull IBlockAccess world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nullable EnumFacing side) {
        TileEntity te = getTE(world, pos);
        if (te instanceof ICamouflageableTE && ((ICamouflageableTE) te).getCamouflage() != null) {
            return ((ICamouflageableTE) te).getCamouflage();
        return world.getBlockState(pos);

This allows chisel blocks to see our camo blocks as chisel blocks, and use connected textures. But our own camouflage does not connect, just using the unconnected texture version.


Fixed in 0.8.1