Camouflage doesn't work with Chisel connected textures
desht opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Using connected-texture chisel blocks as camouflage doesn't connect the textures.
We need to at least implement IFacade
from the CTM API, and add this to BlockPneumaticCraftCamo
@Optional.Method(modid = "ctm-api")
public IBlockState getFacade(@Nonnull IBlockAccess world, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nullable EnumFacing side) {
TileEntity te = getTE(world, pos);
if (te instanceof ICamouflageableTE && ((ICamouflageableTE) te).getCamouflage() != null) {
return ((ICamouflageableTE) te).getCamouflage();
return world.getBlockState(pos);
This allows chisel blocks to see our camo blocks as chisel blocks, and use connected textures. But our own camouflage does not connect, just using the unconnected texture version.