PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


[1.16] Crash with cofh_core 1.2.0

drstorm81 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


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Mod crashes with cofh_core-1.16.4-1.2.0
Relevant part of the log:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cofh/core/capability/IEnchantableItem
        at me.desht.pneumaticcraft.common.thirdparty.cofhcore.CoFHCore$Listener.attachCap(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cofh.core.capability.IEnchantableItem
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.findClass(

I can upload full log if required. Crash happens on server, internal server included. Clients starts fine and bug manifests when i try to launch SP world.
Removing PneumaticCraft:Repressurized allows server to boot properly.


Agreed Just ran into this same issue


Damn was afraid of that. Cofh core doesn't have an official API, and the calls I used have changed. Should be possible to work around this by disabling cofh integration in the config... See config/pneumaticcraft/thirdparty.cfg which lists all the mods which can be integrated with; in there change cofh_core to false.


Hrm...lemme see what I can do on my end. I was worried this is a Thermal issue and not internal capabilities I use.

What enchantments are you adding compat for?


Yeah definitely on me, using non API code here. I'm using the holding enchantment for a volume increase on pressurisable items.


No, I don't really think that's on you. I should have had an API for this. Apologies.

For what it's worth, that area of code won't be getting restructured for a while. And I'll see about an API (and Maven...)


No worries, the incompatible release of PNC:R is only one release, and it's a beta anyway. I can easily fix this for the next beta (2.11.1) and make it require CoFH Core 1.2.0 (if installed - it's a soft dependency).


Build 162 from should work correctly with CoFH Core 1.2.0. It will also function with CoFH Core 1.1.6, but Holding enchantment won't work for pressurizable items.

Note however that this is a dev build, and shouldn't be used on production servers. For production servers, best bet is one of:

  • Use PNC:R 2.10.3 with any CoFH release
  • Use PNC:R 2.11.0 with CoFH 1.1.6
  • Or, if you really want to use both PNC:R 2.11.0 and CoFH 1.2.0, edit config/pneumaticcraft/thirdparty.cfg (both client and server) and change the cofh_core line to read false.

Fixed in 2.11.1 beta release. This release will work properly with CoFH Core 1.2.0. It will not crash with older versions of CoFH Core, but will log a message at startup noting that CoFH Core 1.2.0 is needed for Holding to work with pressurizable items.