PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Feature Request: Expanded filtering options

MuteTiefling opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I see nobody took you up on your suggestion to put this in Github for tracking, so here goes : D

Logistics pipes could use a bit of a boost in the filtering department. To steal a couple notable ones from Modular Routers and Create:

  1. Durability and enchantment filters similar to mRouters where it's compared against a value. Possibly others as well.
  2. RegEx filters
  3. Mod Filter
  4. "Processing" filters, for lack of a better term. These are something I find exceedingly useful in Create, whereby items can be filtered by what you can do to them. This would make chest based heat frame cooking really handy, for instance since a filter could say, 'yep, that's cookable', and retrieve with the same filter negated.
  • Is furnace fuel
  • Can be eaten
  • Can be blasted
  • Can be smelted
  • Can be smoked
  • Is place able
  • Is a fluid container
  • Has heat value (maybe better for the 'inspection' filter to sort by specific values)
  • Cannot stack
  • Worn in slot (head, chest, legs, feet)
  • Is weapon/tool

Don't know how crazy you want to get, but those are some of the ideas that pop into my head that I'd think you ought to be able to detect automatically.

And of course, having the same functionalities in mRouters could be handy too :D


This is another of those little problems that are a bit bigger under surface. Maybe I shall call them "iceberg problems".

It did occur to me, though: what if I added some Modular Routers integration, so that MR smart filters (bulk/mod/regex/inspection) could be used directly in logistics & drone filters? Would probably need a new MR release too (move some code into a public API) but it's feasible in theory, I think... (no promises)

And possibly a new MR smart filter too for the "processing filters" you mentioned above...