PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Unable to set Pressure Gauge level with Adv. PCB

MuteTiefling opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mod Version


Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it

Place Gauge on advanced tube
Place Adv. PCB on Gauge
Click to enter GUI to set

First, notice it won't let you type decimals. It also doesn't visually save the settings you've set when you leave and come back. It does seem to work still, just limited to whole numbers and blind guesswork

Any other comments?


sure thing, will do


Looks like we might be aiming for an update today. What would be a safe version to roll back to to avoid this one?

Scratch that, we'll hold till you can update. I'll do some testing tonight and let you know.


Yeah, had a full reset there of advancements.




Oddly, I got the Compressed Iron Man and Don't Feel Like Waiting advancements upon logging in, too. I am wearing the armor and had speed upgrades in my inventory, but it seems odd that I could get those since I don't have the ones leading up to it.


All advancements work that way intentionally (including vanilla), probably just in case you skip a requirement with clever gameplay, or if any "prerequisite" advancements are added in the future.


That would be cool :)

If testing goes well, I can try to get a 2.12.2 out tomorrow. It's just a couple of fixes over the current release including this one.


Well, that's not good :( Don't understand why that should happen, the advancement JSONs (or their locations) haven't changed at all, only how they're created.

Update: well, I guess they have changed syntatically (although not semantically). Which I guess is enough for the game to decide to invalidate them. I'll roll back to the old advancement JSONs for now, since this is a minor update. Might need to defer that change for a while...


OK, fixed in 2.12.2 release (which also doesn't have the datagen'd advancements, so no problems there either)

This should be safe to include in the next E6 :)


Confirmed. Wonder when this broke?


Hah. In this change: 84d4251

Derp on my part, sorry. Should be a very easy fix.


This should be fixed in build 185. Will probably get a 2.12.2 out in the next couple of days.

As an aside though, this build also has all advancements created by datagen rather than manual JSON as before. All seems to be working (and should be an invisible change for players), but if you wouldn't mind trying this out in a dev world where you already have a bunch of PNC advancements, that would be appreciated :) i.e. look out for any missing advancement that you previously had, unexpected advancement-get toasts, etc.


Lol, cool. Was going to say, it's pretty recent. Only noticed it in dev last night