PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


compressed tnt doesn't craft with explosion

mathieucrombe opened this issue ยท 3 comments


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I've tried to make compressed iron with explosion on the chroma tech 2 modpack, but he doesn't make. (i used more than 5 stack)


I did a bit of testing with Chroma Tech 2, and I can confirm that the ExplosionEvent.Detonate event handler that PNC:R requires for compressed iron crafting isn't even getting fired in this pack.

So some other mod in the pack has broken Forge explosion events. Definitely one for the pack author to investigate.


Since explosion-crafting of compressed iron is literally the first thing anyone does with this mod, if this were a general problem then no one would be able to play the mod. Therefore, this can be only be a modpack-specific problem, so I'd suggest talking to the modpack authors. It's likely some other mod in the pack is interfering with the explosion crafting mechanic.


Hi! My modpack also has this issue and I've been testing with it. After a lot of testing, I found the mod that is causing it:
Smooth Boot
