PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Request: Allow blacklisting oil generation by dimension and/or dimension type

dashkal16 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


In 1.16.5, PneumaticCraft no longer allows blacklisting by dimension. The related configuration is now used for biome blacklisting, which is also useful.

It'd be nice to have dimension level blacklisting as well, and also dimension type (so as to grab classes of dynamically generated dimensions like private TARDIS interiors or MystCraft ages).


By "dimension type", you mean the dimension ID namespace (which is generally the mod ID) ?

That would be doable, probably best via some kind of wildcard system (e.g. mystcraft:* or similar)


When creating a dimension, there are two components. A dimension and a dimension type.

The dimension itself controls the seed and world generation parameters, and selects a type.
The dimension type controls the skybox, time, and Y size of the dimensions that use that type.

That said, wildcards would be useful as well to hit the use case of "Just don't generate in that mod's dimensions".


Ah yeah, the dimension type. I'll see if that can be worked in.


Much appreciated.
Of the two, it's certainly the less important part, but it does serve some use cases.
Probably the same ones as controlling by mod.
Assertions like "Stay out of RFTools dimensions" or the like.


Unfortunately, DimensionType objects don't have any kind of name field that could be matched against, so I don't think this idea is viable - sorry! But matching against dimension id's along with a wildcard feature should hopefully be sufficient.


Ahh, I follow. If the id isn't exposed then this cannot work.
In that case yes, wildcards like minecraft:* would serve pretty closely anyway.

I don't actually have a case where I want to blacklist a dynamically generated dimension of a mod, but not all dims from that mod.

New TARDIS Mod comes closest (The TARDIS dimensions are dynamic, but space and the moon are singular. I don't want oil pools on the moon anyway).


This is available in build 264 from, if you'd like to test.


Fixed in 2.14.5 release