PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized


Drill and Laser crafttweaker recipes 1.16

blockgoblin31 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the feature

a crafttweaker script for adding drill and laser assembly recipes. something like <recipetype:pneumaticcraft:assembly_drill_laser>.addRecipe(name as string, IIngredientWithAmount input, IItemStack output)

Reasons why it should be considered

because it doesn't make sense to not exist

Additional details



Drill & Laser isn't a special recipe type. It's just the separate Drill crafting step and Laser crafting step combined. If you setup a recipe that includes separate steps for both the drill and laser, it will appear as a combined "Drill & Laser" recipe.


@HipHopHuman is correct, Drill/Laser is a synthetic recipe type used for sequential drilling & lasering. Drill/Laser recipes are auto-created when a drill recipe for A to B and a laser recipe for B to C exists (like the standard Compressed Iron Block -> 20 Valves, and 20 Valves -> 8 Advanced Pressure Tubes give a Drill/Laser recipe of Compressed Iron Block -> 8 Advanced Pressure Tubes).