Requesting Energizing orb hold only one item per round of energizing.
CarlucciMods opened this issue · 10 comments
Is there anyway you can prevent more then one item entering the energizing orb....this will be perfect fit for RS storage autocrafter.
awesome, once done can you show us how to use it this way. or you could even have the ORB energize multiple items it holds, that might be even better ?
that would work best, stacks of the same item, becuase im thinking you have to put gold and iron in to make XXXX, but if you put two gold and two iron its stops, and if you put 2 blaze rods in, its stops, which stops the auto crafting of Refinded Storage....so having it tackle stacks would be best but if it cant be done then limiting just one pair at a time in the case of iron and gold and limiting one item per time in the case of rods, diamonds and emeralds.
There is some screen shots in my discord about automating the energizing orb on the general channel.