Plagers can change prestige on/off
Elrol opened this issue · 8 comments
If you have a server with prestige, and a player joins a single player world before joining the server, the players prestige setting (on/off) will be set to that world.
So on a server where prestige is enabled, players can join a world where its disabled, and then in the server it would be disabled.
Have you attempted this to make sure it works? I would imagine that it would not because the client and the server should be required to have the same configs 🤔. If not then the server should still prevent the placing and crafting of items that are not unlocked yet.
Edit: I think the /prestige force command fixes your issue
Ok, when i had this issue players had the ability to make the items because the server would either reconize their prestige settings and enable the recipes that it needed. And the xommand didnt fix the issue at all. On top of that I wouldnt have posted an issue if I hadnt tested it. I will test it again on my new world, Because the last world I found had some very odd behaviors.
I am just going to check with you that you are have the latest version of the mod. If not update it and try again. Also, if you didn't know already that the /prestige force command is used like /prestige force <enabled/disabled>
P.S. I try to think of a lot of possibilities that might be wrong so please don't be like "ofc I tested it, that is a dumb question to ask" (not that I am really offended or anything)
I apologize, I was not intending to offend, its just why would i write a issue up for something i have experienced. As for the command, yes. I have used it and it had been updating the server. But it was hard to tell since the prestige was changing depending on the last played game. I Will test it again today, but I am not at home and my internet might be a bit wonky.
Is this on a dedicated server or a LAN server using Vanilla's LAN option? We tried testing this on our own Sky Factory server and could not reproduce the exact issue you are describing. We found an issue where there was a race condition when syncing data to the client but this should be a purely visual bug that is fixed with the /prestige sync
command. The fix for this race condition should be pushed to CurseForge when the other dev has time to fix it.
Am I correct that you are running an server? And have you checked to see if prestige is enabled by default in the server config?
@Elrol has this issue been resolved?