Pretty Pipes

Pretty Pipes


Crash when viewing Compact Machines that contain pretty pipes

squoshi opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Looks like this has been fixed on Compact Machines' end!


Hmm, this looks like an issue with Compact Machines not properly initializing the capabilities for its fake world. Can you report this issue to their issue tacker and see what comes up?


I just got a replied from Compact Machine mod author. He said the problem is form both side and that you should null handling. I don't know much about these lol so lemme quote his replied
Looking into this more, this looks like it's more an issue on both sides. While I can add the capability support on my rendering world, Pretty Pipes should be null-handling itself as well. Please report this to them as well!


I just had this cash happen to me as well. It is very easy to duplicate. I've posted the links to the closed and open issues trackers for the crash over at the github for Compact Machines.
