Primal Magick

Primal Magick


[Enhancement] Curio based content

DaRetroCat opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Most magic mods have fun accessories usually in the form of curios and i feel like primal magick could benefit from some aswell, many of these curios will require mana stored within them to function this may prompt a slight change to blocks like the wand charger and auto-charger to accept them aswell, along with charging directly from fonts.

-Attunement Shackles [Ritual Magick]
"Sometimes attuning with the primal sources of the land can be unwanted, when you have flight from somewhere else the benefit of jumping high into the sky can just be annoying so these shackles will disable all attunement effects above the 5% mana discount to allowing you to live unattuned. can be configured to only disable one attunement type if mixed with essence dust in a crafting table.

-Dowsing Lenses [Magitech]
"These lenses will allow you to see the status of your magick devices when looking upon them, shows ritual altar layout stability, ritual salt connection, ritual symmetry, mana amounts stored within magick fonts, and the current mana amounts of your held wand."

-Amulet of solar vengeance [Ritual Magick]
"In a battle sometimes you need a little help, this amulet channels the fury of the sun in a burst around you when you take more than 5 damage in acouple seconds. the solar burst inflicts damage, fire and knockback on surrounding mobs after the burst it requires a 10-second cooldown. stores 240 sun mana each burst uses 40 mana."

-Amulet of lunar protection [Ritual Magick]
"In a battle sometimes you need alittle help, this amulet channels the kindness of the moon into a ring around you when you take more than 5 damage in a couple seconds. the lunar ring when activated via being damaged can absorb 5 hits or up to 60 damage total if either of these limits are reached the lunar ring is breached and requires a 30 second cooldown before activating again. stores 240 moon mana each activation uses 80 mana."

-Trinket of primal vows [Manaweaving]
"This trinket signifies your determination of understanding the primal nature of the world, wearing it reminds you of the meaning of the primal sources. gives a slight discount too all primal mana sources."

-Trinket of vile promises [Alchemy]
"This trinket signifies your vile deeds in the usage of forbidden magicks, wearing it reminds you of the reason such magick is forbidden. gives a slight discount too all primal and forbidden sources."

-Trinket of faithful pledge [Ritual Magick]
"This trinket signifies your triumph and journey of usage of hallowed magick, wearing it reminds you of all that you have done. gives a slight discount to all sources."

-Ring of forbidden conjuration [Ritual Magick]
"This ring slows recharges your held wand at the cost of needing to be charged with void mana, if it runs out of void mana it will start draining both your health and hunger, its not recommended to forget about. stores 500 void mana and uses 5 per 1 mana given"