Primal Winter

Primal Winter


Config is being rewritten upon forge loading the mod.

NotoriusQ opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I'm using Minecraft 1.16.3 with Forge 34.1.25, Primal Winter 2.0.3

I wrote in like 85% of all Biome's O' Plenty and Vanilla biomes, only to have the config re-write itself to default upon launch.


Please include the full log. Forge likes to correct configs that are invalid for whatever reason.



So I tried it with just the vanilla biomes, is this right? It still got rewritten.
Am I supposed to be using numerical IDs?



Eh not that, still happened.
I guess I'm gonna try it on a fresh copy with just forge then, it could be a quark incompatibility or something.


I love the mod. I just hope I can use it the way I want!
Do you think using a toggle on/off whitelist instead would fix this? (If it's not me being ignorant)


Oh shoot do I have to tag each one as "overworld" or "dim0" or something?



okay I'm out of tries (for now)


This is the line I was looking for:

[05Nov2020 02:15:34.057] [modloading-worker-7/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec/CORE]: Incorrect key nonWinterBiomes was corrected from [minecraft:ocean, minecraft:deep_ocean, minecraft:cold_ocean, minecraft:deep_cold_ocean, minecraft:lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean, minecraft:warm_ocean, minecraft:deep_warm_ocean, minecraft:river, minecraft:beach, minecraft:stone_shore, minecraft:forest, minecraft:wooded_hills, minecraft:flower_forest, minecraft:birch_forest, minecraft:birch_forest_hills, minecraft:tall_birch_forest, minecraft:tall_birch_hills, minecraft:dark_forest, minecraft:dark_forest_hills, minecraft:jungle, minecraft:jungle_hills, minecraft:modified_jungle, minecraft:jungle_edge, minecraft:modified_jungle_edge, minecraft:bamboo_jungle, minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills, minecraft:mushroom_fields, minecraft:mushroom_field_shore, minecraft:swamp, minecraft:swamp_hills, minecraft:savanna, minecraft:savanna_plateau, minecraft:shattered_savanna, minecraft:shattered_savanna_plateau, minecraft:plains, minecraft:sunflower_plains, minecraft:desert, minecraft:desert_hills, minecraft:desert_lakes, minecraft:wooded_mountains, minecraft:mountain_edge, minecraft:badlands, minecraft:badlands_plateau, minecraft:modified_badlands_plateau, minecraft:wooded_badlands_plateau, minecraft:modified_wooded_badlands_plateau, minecraft:eroded_badlands] to [minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome, minecraft:worldgen/biome]

So yes, Forge is overwriting the config because it does not abide by the spec. However of note here: the default values here are the id of the registry (minecraft:worldgen/biome), as opposed to the id of the instance (i.e. minecraft:ocean). So the spec is most likely wrong.

And given this, I am confident that whatever issue was spotted in #15 was also due to this as the default config then would not be ignoring any biomes.