Compatibility with Extra Alchemy Recipe ? NBT Tags?
mmmilord opened this issue ยท 0 comments
So there's a recipe in the mod EA that uses two ingredients, Splash Potion + Vial = Vial Potion, it is a recipe that functions normally in a crafting grid. Maybe because the potions have NBT tags, it's not being recognised out of the box with Primitive Crafting.
I used CraftTweaker with a script to add a custom recipe and it recognises it and works fine with your mod, however there are something like 40 potions, so writing it for every single one is a bit too much. Since it is a registered recipe that works in a crafting grid, surely there might be some way of your mod to hook it?
Here is a video with and without the script.
`import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
var instanthVial = extraalchemy:breakable_potion:0.withTag({CustomPotionEffects: [{Ambient: 0 as byte, CurativeItems: [{id: "minecraft:milk_bucket", Count: 1, Damage: 0 as short}], ShowParticles: 1 as byte, Duration: 1, Id: 6 as byte, Amplifier: 1 as byte}], Potion: "minecraft:strong_healing"});
var instanthPotion = minecraft:splash_potion.onlyWithTag({Potion: "minecraft:strong_healing"});
var vial = extraalchemy:vial_break;
mods.primitivecrafting.addRecipe(instanthVial, vial, instanthPotion);