Primitive Mobs

Primitive Mobs


A mob should always be introduced via registerModEntity

mr2013 opened this issue · 5 comments


The current setup introduces the mob as a new addition to the world data, or removes it, effectively corrupting world data. This can be fixed by the server owner running /fml confirm on each config change. When a mob state is changed in the config, it should instead be reflected via a boolean in PrimitiveMobsSpawnEntry, to be later consulted by the same conditional as PrimitiveMobsWorldSpawner's rarity check.


Ok, I kinda get what you are saying. Could you check for me if that's still the case with alpha 1.2? It uses this class to check if the entityClass is registered and refreshes the spawnentries on reload. Wondering if I still made the same mistake somewhere.

Edit: Thanks for telling me this btw. Seems like one not many would notice.


With the alpha, it still does this. As I'm testing with a local world, I can provide a screenshot this time around. It's the same message when a mob is disabled with the 1.1.6 beta release.


So what you mean is that the mob should never truely be removed and instead simply be disabled from spawning. However that will keep the spawn egg then... guess I could add multiple checks. Also I would need to make the existing mobs in that world save forcefully despawn. Willl look into it.


Fixed in newest version v1.2.1, which requires MultiMob 1.0.3


Thank you so much!