


[1.20.1] Silent Gear causes global.d.ts to contain invalid Syntax

DeinAlbtraumTV opened this issue · 2 comments


Dumping with Silent Gear installed causes the dumped global.d.ts file to contain multiple of the following errors (replacing the / with a _ might be all that is needed here):

class Compounding/fabricSilentgear extends Internal.JsonRecipeJS {

As you can see, the / in the class name is invalid syntax in JS.

Class list that i noticed this happening on:

  • Compounding/fabricSilentgear
  • Compounding/gemSilentgear
  • Compounding/metalSilentgear
  • Pressing/materialSilentgear
  • Salvaging/gearSilentgear
  • Salvaging/compoundPartSilentgear
  • Smithing/coatingSilentgear
  • Smithing/upgradeSilentgear

This is using probejs-5.5.0-forge and kubejs-forge-2001.6.4-build.111 on forge 47.2.17 with the following kubejs extensions:

  • morejs-forge-1.20.1-0.5.0
  • kubejsadditions-forge-4.0.1
  • kubejs-create-forge-2001.2.5-build.2
  • lootjs-forge-1.20.1-2.10.4
  • ponderjs-1.20.1-1.3.0

Although these extensions shouldn't impact the dumping of Silent Gear classes


Looking closer this might be a general issue with how recipe type names are handled. The broken silent gear recipe classes seem to contain a / in the type name:

This shouldn't be a problem though as we can also have slashes in recipe IDs/tags


Will be fixed with an unpublished release.