Prodigy Tech

Prodigy Tech


[Bug] Wormhole Funnels silently stop working on server restart.

Bluberry-Kat opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Encountered this today on a modded server I'm running. Forge ver, Prodigy Tech version 1.12.2-1.3.4

Here is a screenshot of my setup:
Not shown: in the back, itemducts connect the cutters to a grinder, which is also receiving heat from a wormhole funnel.
This seemed to work fine, but when I restarted the server today to update the modlist, I found the cutters weren't cutting. After further observation, the wormhole funnels seem to have "forgotten" their position? The texture that shows that they are "connected" to something was still there, so perhaps the linked wormhole funnel isn't being saved properly.

Let me know if you need more information.


I knew the wormhole funnels have some issues on servers from the volcano block public server, but I don't really know what causes them. I will try to find some time to investigate more.

Could you check the following things:

  • Is there a chunk border cutting the setup?
  • Do all the wormholes disconnect or do some stay properly connected?
  • Does it work properly through restarts and all in singleplayer? (it should but it's to be sure)

An update (sorry for the delay):
There is not a chunk border cutting the setup, all of the wormholes "disconnect" (though the "active" blockstate doesn't get switched off), and I didn't have time to set up a singleplayer world and test this specifically. I have, however, used wormhole funnels in the past in singleplayer, and I've only encountered this problem on servers.