Productive Trees

Productive Trees


Black Ember Sapling being unobtainable via loot table.

XnetIssue08052024 opened this issue · 1 comments


Since productive trees 1.21.1-0.5.1 the black_ember_sapling.json inside the loot_modifiers folder has been changed. The file has been altered to have a 0.3 (30%) chance of finding the sapling on the bastion treasure chests and hoglin stable chests. However, if you look how the code is structured, it actually is checking if a chest is both a bastion treasure chest and hoglin stable chest in order for the sapling to appear making it impossible to acquire. This problem has remained since 9/19/2024 up until the latest version. I have attached how this can be fixed.
Current_Code_productivetrees_1 21 1_0 5 6

