Dynamic Tree compat issue cause CTD when trying to mine.
VirtualGaming1 opened this issue ยท 15 comments
So when ever I try to hit a Dynamic Tree the client CTD but the server keeps going and did not log anything about the issue.
Here is the crash log. (at first I thought it was dynamic tree side but look more into the crash log it saying null for "Level")
This is a known issue. It's caused by AutoValues. Give DT blocks manual XP/req values and it goes away.
Run /pmmo gebData
then go to your datapack folder for that world, find the data/dynamic trees/blocks/
folder, and edit each file to have break XP to your liking and reqs of zero.
you're in the world/data
folder. go to world/datapacks/generated_data/data/dynamictrees/blocks
I was just about to edit and say I found it. sorry my head been hurting when I woke up
I would recommend be able to do /genData (modname) just incase there is server have lots of mods with it. it also auto override for the mods
doing that right now but I do have over 200 mods and it is about to take 20 mins so far