Project MMO

Project MMO


Player Glossary

Orangejewce92 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I haven't tested the looking at a player then pressing P out yet, but I'm sure that works. But a Glossary of players with there stats would be nice! Like in 1.16


This might be more difficult than previously thought. the main reason is that only the server knows all of the players (especially offline players) to be able to generate this list. It's certainly possible to do this, but it's going to take some serious thought into the how. This will come, but i've put it lower on the priority list while I figure out the implementation strategy.


Note to self: This might need to just be its own gui. As much as using the glossary screen is convenient, this menu is somewhat unique. I think I will make it its own gui so the server-side data can be stored in the screen instead of in a client object (which was one of my concerns from a memory standpoint). This will allow me to more easily implement a few other features such as

  • Different player ordering options
  • better layout (eg. summary versus detail views)